What hits your mind when you think of fitness? Walking? Running? Gyming? Whatever? But, believe it or not! You can’t complete your fitness solution by running in park only when in Chandigarh and nearby cities. Tricity comes out to be a paradise for professional and amateur runners as many running groups encourage them to meet their fitness goals. From organizing running events in Chandigarh to providing marathon tips, running communities and groups have influenced candidates to sign up for the sport.
For beginners, practice by running clubs can be exhausting in the starting, but they can easily reach their health targets by participating in various running events and marathons. Those interested in such motivational activities should know that Tricity has 3 popular running groups to join for a healthy lifestyle. Read on-

Weekend Runners
Following the concept of running as a means to reach one’s true potential, Weekend Runners is a relatively great initiative that encourages runners or walkers and beginners. The group has successfully left its remarkable impression in Alcis Family Run Panchkula, Canvas Promoters Tricity Half Marathon 2019 (Chandigarh), Ultra Tuffman Desert Championship Jaisalmer 2019, and more.
The story began in October 2016 when a fellow Chandigarhian Gagandeep took to running daily to stay fit and fine. With its continuity, the Weekend Runners came into existence. There are approximately 20-30 active participants as part of their weekly runs, where special events have an attendance of at least 40-50 running enthusiasts.
Running Events by the Weekend Runners
A specific spot is chosen every Wednesday and Sunday at 5:30 AM from where the participants can actively participate in a 5KM, 10KM, or 21KM run as per their choice. Moreover, members are expected to share their daily workout updates on an official WhatsApp group to retain their membership, which is free of cost. One can reach the group via Facebook page- fb.com/weekendrunnerschandigarh

The Run Club
Formed of spirited distance runners, both experienced and novice, the Run Club or TRC has been leading Tricity for almost 20 years. The running group aims to enhance their performance and reduce injury by adopting several scientific principles of training. It makes runners perform their best during race season, especially through the events- Plogging events that encourage clean drives- anti plastic drives and promote use of cloth bags.
Founded in January 2016, the group comes out to be structured with a name so simple that interested people convince themselves to associate with it. Interested people can join the group and participate in the events. They conduct 3 runs a week to get to know about their current skills, fitness goals, and aspirations.
By creating this inspirational running group, the members have boosted the connectivity of people with healthy life easier and helped them to chase their goals of a fit body. Well, Chandigarh is a haven where candidates love to run on roads safely with scenic views around. Thus, runners of the group are responsible and caring for the environment.
The Run Club boosts everyone from a common man to sportsperson to make them vibrant and energetic for their fitness achievements. One can reach the group via Facebook page- fb.com/runclub.trc

The Spartan Creed
The idea of The Spartan Creed began with one simple thought: to promote every dynamic sport. After the inception of this running group on 15 August 2019, people become more aware of the significance of overall fitness. Along with marathon events, the group also boosts individual capabilities through various events.
The Spartan Creed is known for organizing fitness events where it appreciates the athletes to be out there on the turf, sweating it out, despite what sports a person belongs to. The Spartan Creed aims to motivate athletes to be the best version that they can be, interact with new people, and, most essential, have fun while doing so.
The group has athletes from different professional fields and places. It has a common goal of being fit, spreading full positive energy, awareness in society, and uplifting each other. One can reach the group via Facebook page- fb.com/The-Spartan-Creed
Next time, while you search for running clubs near me and find any of these in the list, joining those groups would be a great idea- just a suggestion. Our hectic schedule doesn’t allow us to meet our health goals, and we tend to focus on our work only. It affects physical and mental health. But we have to maintain our body fitness and stay happy. Therefore, give yourself the time on weekends if not on weekdays by participating in various marathons and running events.
Nice post. Thanks city woofer for very nice information.
Very nice to get together
I wish to join the run club ? How to join.