9 Things To Do When You Feel Low


“We have all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”

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Validating emotions is the first thing we should do when we feel low. What other things can help? Read below!

Write your heart out
Make a list of all the scheduled work and tick them off once you are done with them. A lot of many things at a time create confusion and we feel low due to not achieving decided goals. So, make notes, make a to-do list, tick off the tasks and be proud of your little achievements. Getting work done can help you free up your mind and feel productive.

Workout/Physical Activity
Get up, get moving and get over it. Take a 15-to 30-minute energetic walk each day — or dance, run, bicycle or meditate. When you get into the action, it will not take long to see a difference in your mood.

When you inhale deeply, your mind makes an impression on your body to relax. Take long, moderate breaths, and dispose of all negative thoughts on each breath. Practicing meditation regularly can help reducing stress and anxiety.

Understand your emotions
Understand that it is your negative thoughts that make you feel low. Try not to allow outside pessimism to affect you in any case. When you are up to accomplishing something extraordinary, chances are you may have to face many lowest moments in between. Trust it’s impermanent.

Go Out
Get up, Get Dressed and get better. Creating an all-around coordinated timetable helps a lot. Getting up right on time and afterwards keeping away from rest during the day will likewise help you rest better during the evening. It helps change your attitude and mood about the things you will do today.

Listen to some soothing music
Music is food for our soul. It can heal, put you feeling better and take you on a psychological expedition. At whatever point you feel low, put your earphones on and tune in to your best songs, which eventually give you mental alleviation. Music works better to overcome the gloomy moments and control low thinking as a top priority.

Go for healthy food shopping
The studies have highlighted a connection between food and mood. It’s safe to say that eating good food like vegetables, milk, nuts, and seeds can help you feel good and fill your body with proper supplements. Vitamin D helps lower rates of sadness. Also, our body should be hydrated to be sound.

Stop being so hard on yourself
We always compare our internal to other people’s external, not realizing that it’s no comparison at all. Sit back, reflect, and perceive each positive thing you have in the present moment. Focus on what you have, not what you don’t. Satisfaction could be an alternative so try not to reprimand yourself for things you can’t give your hundred per cent to. Nobody can handle everything so better to loosen up and resign from feeling low as a result of it.

Participate in fun activities and events
Divert your mind by participating in different events and activities around you. These fun activities keep your mind fresh and relaxed. Explore events around you on CityWoofer and showcase your talents and skills. These little achievements can sum up in bigger happiness.

Remember, It’s a bad day, not a bad life.


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