Chandigarh: Prof. Dr. M.S. Sandhu, Head, Deptt. of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging, PGI, Chandigarh and Prof. Paramjeet Singh, Professor, Deptt. of Radiodiagnosis were honoured by the Indian Radiological and Imaging Association” (IRIA) in recognition of their outstanding services. This honour also recognises their hard work, dedication and teaching experience of more than 3 decades.
Prof. M.S. Sandhu is a senior Professor at PGI working in the Higher Administrative Grade. He has more than 35 years of teaching, research and work experience. He has over 225 research publications/presentations / chapters in books. He is the current president of the Chandigarh Chapter of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association (IRIA) and also the Current President of the North India Chapter of Indian Society of Vascular and Interventional Radiology.

Prof. Paramjeet Singh who is the senior faculty in Neuro Radiology Section is the convener of DM Neuro Radiology course. He has to his credit more than 30 years of research, work, and teaching experience. He has published 180+ research presentations/ chapter in books. He is the former president of Chandigarh Chapter of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association and also the former president of Chandigarh Chapter of ISVIR.