What’s your fitness schedule this winter?


Winter increases our laziness quotient. The cold may restrict us indoors, but we need to find reasons to be up and about either inside the house or outdoors. Why is it neccessary to work out in the winters? Listen in to Ishaan, fitness manager of Octane Fitness:

“In some ways, winter can offer benefits you don’t get in summer, for instance, cold weather may actually improve endurance,” says Dominic Jude, fitness trainer at Bodyzone. In colder temperatures your heart doesn’t have to work as hard, you sweat less, and expend less energy, all of which means you can exercise more efficiently.

“On the other hand one has to be super cautious while working out during winter because muscles are at a greater risk of strains and injuries due to the cold, so make sure to warm up before your cold-weather workout,” warns Dr Nimrita Kaur, a dentist and a fitness enthusiast.

The dry cold icy air might be a shock to your system at first, but the best way to warm yourself up is to get going, exercise gets your blood pumping, and you’ll keep that heat long after you finish your workout sessions.

“Exercise can help you avoid the winter blues. So I believe it is very important to work out, especially in winter. Along with exercising, I increase my water intake,” says Deepak, a student.

Mankirat Kaur, nutritionist and fitness coach, recommends a one-hour rule doing some physical activity or the other — yoga, exercise, walking, jogging, Zumba anything to keep yourself up and about. Yes, seasonal changes affect everybody’s psyche, so any form of physical activity will definitely boost your mood. Listen in :

“For me, exercise is always important be it winter or summer. Exercising outdoors provides all the physical benefits that we get from indoor exercise — cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and endurance. It is always important to work out,” says Divya, a banker.

“I have started to catch up with my routine of 2 km morning walk, few breathing exercises like naadi shodan pranayama , and plenty of detox water which I prepare myself at home with herbs or condiments usually found in every home, like, ajwain, tulsi leaves, etc,” says Archana  Sharma.

Daily winter schedule shared by a housewife, Abhilasha

Morning have 2 glasses of water followed by a cup of tea — Brisk walking for half an hour with running in between — Then have 4 apricots soaked overnight or any other nuts and tea — Breakfast at 9:  2 eggs and bread or 1 prantha. Do household chores/ work/ shopping/ grocery —  Lunch at 1.30: Dal , veggies, curd and rice or 2 chapatis. Sleep for 1 hour — Evening tea and then prepare dinner. Go for evening walk again for half an hour. Have lots of water. Then puja time — Dinner before 8 pm — 2 chapatis and vegetable or non-veg.

If you have your own winter fitness schedule, feel free to share it with us, we would love to publish it.


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