Event Information – Republic Day Ride
Details of the Virtual Event-
Virtual Event Name – Republic Day Ride
Venue & Activity Time –VIRTUAL and “on every event day” activity time is from 4:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Event Date – Thursday, 26th January 2023, (4 AM to 9 PM)
Last date and time of registration – Thursday, 26th January 2023 before 09 AM
Virtual Event Categories-
Ride distance Categories – 5KMs | 10KMs | 15KMs | 20KMs | 30KMs | 50KMs | 75KMs | 100KMs
Virtual Event Description-
Activity Record Details-
Terms and Conditions:-
Frequently Asked Questions-
Ride distance Categories – 5KMs | 10KMs | 15KMs | 20KMs | 30KMs | 50KMs | 75KMs | 100KMsRun distance Categories – 3KMs | 5KMs | 10KMs | 21KMs | 42KMs
Walk distance Categories –2KMs | 3KMs | 5KMs | 8KMs | 10KMs
4 Shall I get a refund or transfer my ticket to any other? – No, Tickets are non-refundable & non-transferable under any circumstances.
5 What If I’ll not attend the event? – Participants will not attend the event then rewards will not be issued.
6 What If I’ll incomplete my distance selected by me? –
E-Certificate and E-Badge will be issued with a completed distance.
Medal or Acrylic Medal ticketed participants will receive their Medal or Acrylic Medal at any distance completion level of this event.
7 When can we get the Acrylic Medal /Medal /Mini Acrylic Badge? – Within 10-40 days post-event by postal/parcel services.
8 How can I track my parcel? - Acrylic Medal /Medal /Mini Acrylic Badge achievers will be communicated with postal reference numbers to track the parcel.
9 How to get E-Certificate? - You can download E-certificate from your Google link within 3-7 days of the event and also we share the Google link to download your E-certificates.
10 Which applications Ride/Run to use? - You can use any apps like Strava, Google Fit, Garmin Run-keeper, Nike Running or whichever you are using.
11 How to submit Activity? - Submit your Activity on WhatsApp/email given below i.e. +919944810101/ backtopedals@gmail.com.
12 Are there any delivery charges for the courier in India? – No, there are no delivery charges inside India.
13 By what time shall I complete my Ride/Run? -Participants must finish their activity before the timeline mentioned in Details of the Virtual Event. Participants must finish their activity before 9 PM.
14 Is there any messaging group for this virtual event? – No,Not only for this event. Usually,we don’t create any WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, hangout, telegram, SMS or any other messenger applications to communicate in group/broadcast messages.
15 How shall I contact the Event Organizer? - For any kind of clarification feel free to contact us at +91 9944810101 or write a mail to backtopedals@gmail.com
16.Is there any social media PAGE or Account for BACK TO PEDALS? – YES, the below-mentioned link - https://www.facebook.com/backtopedalshttps://www.instagram.com/backtopedals
17.Where can I find upcoming events? –
CITYWOOFER - https://www.citywoofer.com/event-organisers/backtopedals
We request you kindly read and understand the complete event information before booking your tickets. As mentioned all points must be read and understood by the participant before booking.
Waiver Statement: I affirm and state that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for participating in the designated cycling/running/walking event. I have been certified to be physically fit by a licensed medical practitioner and agree to indemnify the organizers its agents, employees and associates, the organizing committee and other persons connected to the event against any losses, damages, costs, liabilities, claims or proceedings arising out of any misstatement and/ or misrepresentation made herein.
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