6-Day Power Time to Invoke Muruga, Spiritual Warrior
Skanda Shasti is the 6-day power time (Oct. 28th to Nov. 2nd) to access Lord Muruga’s spiritual warrior energy to defeat the negative and unhealthy energy of debts, diseases, legal issues, enemies and bad karma. You can also use this 6-day time window to connect with Muruga’s supreme wisdom to succeed in your endeavors. During these 6 days, Muruga’s power is accessible for victory over the three primary hindrances of human limitation and suffering, represented by the demons Muruga was born to slay- karma (destiny), maya (illusion) and ego (separation from God).
Power of 6: Symbolic Representation of Muruga
The number 6 is a powerful number as it is considered a symbolic representation of the warrior God, substantiated by the below facts about Muruga:
Day 1: 6-Priest Sri Sharadha Tilakoktha Subramanya Moola Mantra Homa (Muruga Seed Sound Blessings Fire Lab)
On the first day, our Vedic priests will perform a grand homa by chanting the powerful Subramanya Moola mantra (Muruga seed sound) from the sacred text ‘Sharadha Tilakoktham’. The Muruga seed sound is formed by the following 6 syllables:
To access these Divine qualities of Muruga during this 6-day powertime, AstroVed will be performing two grand fire labs, on the first and the final day, invoking his supreme blessings.
Skanda Shashti begins on October 28, 2019 and ends on November 02, 2019. This is the powerful time to access Lord Muruga's spiritual warrior energy to defeat the negative and unhealthy energy of debts, diseases, legal issues, enemies and bad karma. Pre-Register AstroVed's Skanda Shasti 2019 Packages and acquire Lord Muruga's blessings.
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