World Cancer Day 2024 - Walk/Run/Ride
Date: 4th February 2024
Perks -
- Social Media Poster
- Personalized E-Certificate with Photo, Distance and City
Process after registration to get Poster -
- Participants will be asked to share their photo for Social Media Poster via WhatsApp or E-Mail as the case may be.
Process for E-Certificate -
- A Google form link will be shared for Data Submission usually a day prior to event.
- After Successful Data Submission, E-Certificate will be released in a secured manner.
- Team FFI
Waiver Statement:
I Affirm and State that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for participating in the designated race. I have been certified to be physically fit by licensed medical practitioner and agree to indemnify the organizers its agents, employees and associates, the organizing committee and other persons connected to the event against any losses, damages, costs, liabilities, claims or proceedings arising out of any misstatement and/ or misrepresentation made herein.
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